Continuous data monitoring and cleaning dashboard for smart meters

What is it?

A data quality dashboard designed for the continuous monitoring and management of large volumes of time-series data generated by sensors and energy meters in buildings. This technology ensures the data's usability by identifying offline sensors, missing data, high outliers, and monitoring the data's distribution, sampling rate, and meter resolution.

Why is it necessary?

In the built environment industry, it is crucial to have reliable and accurate data for effective decision-making, analysis, and optimization of building performance. The data quality dashboard provides an efficient way to monitor and assess the quality of incoming data, which helps maintain trust in AI-enabled products and services, and enables the fast and efficient deployment of machine learning products and services.

How does it work?

The data quality dashboard utilizes Azure tools, Power BI or Grafana for reporting to process and visualize the large volumes of time-series data generated by sensors and energy meters in buildings. Use case-specific checks are done with Python script and deployed as Azure Functions.  The dashboard presents key performance indicators (KPIs), such as the percentage of abnormal values, highlighting critical data points, and aiding in the management of large data volumes.

Data monitoring and cleaning dashboard
Data monitoring and cleaning dashboard Granlund