IML4E Plenary and other October events
Last week, the 6th plenary meeting of the IML4E project took place in Budapest. We were hosted by Budapest University and, as usual, had several events linked together.
The plenary meeting was largely about shaping the last year of the project and planning the remaining work on the IML4E framework and the case studies. Amongst others, we decided that we will make the IML4E OSS platform publicly available as open source software. Information on this, we will provide in due of the next weeks and months. In the evening of the first day, an MLOps Meetup was held, organized by our project colleague Gabor Gulyas from Vitarex. The Meetup was well attended and was significantly helped by two talks from the IML4E project. Mohamed Abdelaal from Software AG gave an overview of current data preparation and cleaning procedures and tools and gave an outlook on what role Large Language Models (LLMs) can play in such processes. Janis Lapins from Spicetech gave an overview of challenges and solutions in testing ML models and the approach followed by Spicetech’s tool Valicy. On the third day of the plenary meeting we again had an exciting session of our project advisory board with contributions from Fabasoft AG, Fraunhofer FOKUS and Reaktor. All in all, this IML4E plenary session was also a successful endeavor.