IML4E has reached its first milestone
After 8 months we have reached our first project milestone in the IML4e project. The milestone includes the completion of 8 deliverables of which 2 are publicly available.
In addition to the necessary management activities to make IML4E operational, we have captured and documented the basic requirements for our MLOPS case studies and defined the basis for the research and development work. In detail, we have defined case studies from the industry sectors Financial, Construction and real estate, Software design and technology consultancy, Industrial Solutions, and Healthcare in work package 1. In work packages 2 and 3, we described the state of the art for various MLOPS-relevant topics such as data cleaning, data valorization, data versioning, data testing, model reuse, AUTO ML, model maintenance and monitoring, and model testing and verification. Based on the state of the Art, first concrete research projects were defined and documented. In the following months, we will further align the research activities with the requirements of the case studies and specify, develop and validate a first set of techniques and methods for the above listed main topics. In addition, we will follow our plans for exploitation, dissemination, standardization and innovation management in order to make the project results available to a wider audience.