Exciting week for IML4E: plenary, meetup and review

The IML4E project has had a very successful week. The week started with the project plenary at the University of Helsinki. The plenary is always a good chance to bring all project partner together and make progress especially with the cooperative parts of the project. This time, discussed the next steps to complete the IML4E framework. This includes the further extension of the IML4E OSS platform as well as further improvements to the IML4E Maturity Assessment. The plenary was accompanied by another meeting of the IML4E Advisory Board, where we were able to demonstrate the integration of the IML4E platform with case studies and tools from the project. In addition, the University of Helsinki presented their approach to "Autonomously Adaptive Continuous Training and Deployment Through A/B Test Experimentation ".

On Wednesday evening, Jürgen Großmann as coordinator of the IML4E project had the opportunity to present more work from the project in his talk „Towards Continuous Quality Assurance in MLOps“. The talk was part of the 2nd MLOps Helsinki Meetup hosted by Silo AI and visited by over 60 participants from different tech companies and the software industry. The last two days of the week were characterized by the preparation and execution of the 2nd IML4E review by ITEA and on Friday we could successfully complete the review. ITEA was able to confirm that the project is well positioned, has already realized many presentable results and is developing in a successful direction. We are happy about this and look forward to further opportunities to demonstrate our project results.