IML4E at Eclipse AICE OpenLab meeting
Wed., 24. Nov. 2021
Today, Fraunhofer researcher Jürgen Großmann, coordinator of the IML4E project, participated in the Eclipse AI, Cloud & Edge (AICE) meeting in Brussels. The AICE OpenLab WG manages and operates an open lab that provides a range of resources to promote the further development, implementation, and verification of open source software for AI, cloud, and edge computing. The working group meeting highlighted the benefits and role that open source and open platforms will have for sustainable industrial adoption of AI and ML. Presentations from AI4EU, Redhat, Mindspore, Huawei and others presented ideas and goals for their contribution to building a community-based cloud and AI platform especially considering an open source perspective. If you are interested in the Eclipse AI, Cloud & Edge (AICE) working group, check out their website. IML4E looks forward to working with the AICE Open Lab in the future.